How to effectively follow up a job application.

After submitting your resume or attending an interview with a potential employer, it’s important to follow up in a timely and professional manner. This can help to demonstrate your interest in the position and keep you top of mind with the hiring manager. However, it’s important to follow up in a way that is appropriate and not too pushy. Here are some tips for how to effectively follow up with potential employers:

Send a Thank You Note

After attending an interview, it’s always a good idea to send a thank you note to the interviewer. This can be an email or a handwritten note, depending on your preference. In your note, thank the interviewer for their time and reiterate your interest in the position. You can also use this opportunity to clarify any points from the interview or mention any additional qualifications you may have forgotten to mention.

Wait a Few Days

After submitting your resume or attending an interview, it’s important to wait a few days before following up. This gives the employer time to review your application or conduct any additional interviews they may have scheduled. A good rule of thumb is to wait three to five business days before sending a follow-up email.

Send a Polite Follow-Up Email

When sending a follow-up email, be polite and professional. In your email, express your continued interest in the position and inquire about the status of your application. If you had an interview, you can also ask for feedback on your performance. Be sure to keep your email concise and to the point.

Be Patient

It’s important to be patient when following up with potential employers. Hiring processes can take time, and the employer may need additional time to review your application or conduct additional interviews. Try to resist the urge to follow up too frequently or too aggressively, as this can come across as pushy or desperate.

Use LinkedIn

If you have a LinkedIn profile, you can also use this platform to follow up with potential employers. You can send a message to the hiring manager or recruiter, thanking them for their time and expressing your continued interest in the position. LinkedIn can also be a good way to stay connected with the employer and to stay up-to-date on any job openings or company news.

Following up with potential employers can help to demonstrate your interest in the position and keep you top of mind with the hiring manager. By sending a thank you note, waiting a few days before following up, sending a polite follow-up email, being patient, and using LinkedIn, you can effectively follow up with potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job.


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