Are industry keywords important in your résumé?

In short – Yes!

Whilst everyone is different, and for that reason every résumé is different, there are universal truths that can put your job application above your competitors, to help you land that prized interview.

The use of appropriate phrases and keywords can make a huge difference – demonstrating you have the skills set and industry knowledge or experience that prospective employers are looking for.

As leaders in the résumé industry, Résumés 4 Success regularly conducts research designed to ensure our clients are always ahead of their peers. The correct use of power words in a résumé can increase your chance of securing an interview by up to 80%.

When prospective recruiters see over and over again similar résumés with similar content – what makes your résumé stand out and stay on top of the pile, making the interview shortlist?

Effective use of relevant action keywords to demonstrate your capabilities is a must. Prospective employers may invest as little as 5 – 10 seconds on an initial scan and if you pass that test, up to 30 seconds identifying if you have the skills and capabilities to stay on the ‘Review’ pile.

Keyword use must be approached with caution, because the use of tired and clichéd phrases will most likely have the opposite effect. Worn-out and overused phrases tend to bore the recipient, and help accelerate your résumé hitting the ‘Reject’ pile. Remember, prospective recruiters see over and over again similar résumés with similar content. Key to getting their attention, is your presentation of a tidy, well presented document which identifies who you are, what you do, and how you do it quickly and efficiently.

The use of appropriate keywords is one step to receiving a more positive response, and a better chance of making the shortlist for interview. It is a major aim of our résumés to generate what we call in the industry ‘Positive Candidate Favourability’.

As with anything though, it is often a balance – something our professional résumé writers are fully aware of and why we have developed sophisticated techniques to ensure your résumé stands out for the right reasons.

In a candidate rich employment environment, you can be sure that prospective employers are unforgiving when it comes to their assessment of you. Many companies’ also complete online searches through social media sites (LinkedIn/Facebook etc.). In this digital environment, if your résumé is competent and includes all the appropriate skills and keywords an employer is searching for, you will have a better chance of turning up towards the top of their search results, and from there, invited to apply.

The appropriate use of keywords is therefore one of many important aspects in your résumé preparation.

Our consultants will be pleased to discuss the many other ways we can assist you to land the right­ job. Our business is to help you to progress your career – so call us for an obligation free interview at any time.


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